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With more than 50 Project Staff Participants, PWP Launches the Training and Qualification Program for the Social Protection Project and Combating COVID-19.

Saeed Abdo: Everyone Must Adhere to World Bank and UNDP Standards in Project Implementation

PWP launched early this week the training and qualification program of the Social Protection Project and Combating COVID-19. The project is financed by the World Bank in partnership with UNDP. More than 50 trainees representing main and subareas managers, their assistances, engineers, and consultants working with PWP.

During the inauguration session of the program, Eng. Saeed Abdo Ahmed, director of PWP praised the role played by the World Bank in supporting PWP in partnership with UNDP for its importance in supporting  the Yemen society’s community assets.

The project director underlined the significance of the social protection strengthening project and combating COVID-19, financed by the World Bank in partnership with UNDP, in supporting infrastructure and livelihood projects for Yemenis to lead a life of dignity, as well as projects for improving the health and environmental situations of the communities under exceedingly difficult economic and livelihood conditions.

Engineer Abdo stressed the need for everyone to abide by standards and requirements set for the project by the World Bank and UNDP during implementation of the Social Protection Project based on international best practices.

The Project director also pointed out that the current stage will focus on the governance of all field activities by PWP.

The week-long training included theoretical background training and practical training on occupational health and safety, following-up on projects using mobile phones and strengthening community engagement and support for women.

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