Our News

With the Participation of 3430 Women: 114 Community Women Councils formed

The public works project’s management puts major emphasis on women participation in the setting of priorities and project identification in target areas. This attention is reflected in the establishment of a gender unit in pwp’s headquarters.

By the end of june,2017 major achievements have been made to strengthen women participation,especially under the additional funding of the yecrp.  117 Subprojects were identified with women participation approximately 40% of identified subprojects so far. 114 Women community councils have been formed with 3,430 women who participated,and in 54 subprojects,number of women participating exceeded number of male thus ensuring selected subproject represents women high priorities.

Efforts to engage women in implementation phase as labor are being made on a continuous basis. Many contractors showed willingness to recruit women from local communities for some activities that are appropriate. Female consultant engineers are engaged in the various activities including supervision of construction. So far 65 female consultants have been contracted,approximately 15% of the total number of consultants.

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P.O.Box 18316, Al-Mahrookat Street, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen.

  • dummy+967 409 283 - 7

  • dummy+967 409 303

  • dummy pwp-yem@y.net.ye
